WasteCap Resource Solutions, Inc. is a nonprofit, industry supported 501(c)(3) organization.
WasteCap provides waste reduction and recycling assistance to businesses. WasteCap assists and encourages companies to effectively drive costs out of their operations through improved solid waste management practices. Services are made possible through membership, sponsorship, and grants.
Vision To transform waste into resources.
Mission To provide waste reduction and recycling assistance for the benefit of business and the environment.
WasteCap Resource Solutions was created using a successful model from other WasteCap organizations across the country in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, and Nebraska. In 1996, WasteCap Wisconsin began as a cooperative effort between the business community and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and was funded with a grant from the Recycling Market Development Board. In January 1998, WasteCap Wisconsin became a private nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. In 2009, WasteCap Wisconsin changed its name to WasteCap Resource Solutions.
WasteCap Resource Solutions offers a variety of services that target solid waste issues head on and helps organizations find workable, cost-effective solutions. These services network business professionals, providing opportunities for participants to work together to create solutions.
WasteCap invites you to join a network of professionals that provide you with contacts, information and resources that can help you reduce waste and increase your bottom line. WasteCap offers annual membership with numerous benefits catering to Wisconsin businesses. To view WasteCap's membership levels and benefits, click here.
Keywords: Construction & Demolition
Non Profit